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Wisdom Qi Gong Workshop

The Wisdom Qi Gong Workshop offers powerful techniques to help you access deeper mental clarity and spiritual insight. This workshop focuses on mindful movements, meditation, and energy practices that promote emotional balance and inner peace. Whether you seek greater understanding or simply wish to enhance your emotional and mental well-being, this workshop provides the tools to cultivate wisdom and inner harmony. Suitable for all levels, it is designed to help you navigate life with greater clarity and confidence.

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Program Description

Learn Practices To Revitalize, Repair, And Activate Your Brain And Body With Qi (Life Force Energy)

Do you ever feel tired in the middle or end of the day?

Do you worry, repeat thoughts, and have thoughts that are on a merry-go-round in your mind?

The answer for almost all of us is “yes.”

Mental stress is depleting. It zaps your life-force. Not only that, when you are stressed out you don’t think clearly… and you’re not focused.

Research shows that students that are stressed perform way below normal… and students that are relaxed and calm perform much better than average.

Put it this way:

Stress makes you stupid!

When you learn to calm your mind, you empty it of useless chatter.

Once your mind is empty, you can recharge it with useful Qi (or life-force energy) that can increase your mental capacity, focus, and clarity.

But this is only the beginning…

Because the brain is only ONE of your primary wisdom centers. In fact, you have three:
1. Your brain
2. Your heart
3. Your belly

True “wisdom” is knowing how each of these systems works… and how to use them all together.

Most people focus on just one wisdom center. This singular focus creates an imbalance in their energy system.

But you can learn to activate all three of your Wisdom Centers.

Think of your brain, your heart, and your belly like three horses.

If one horse went one direction and the other two in a different direction, the energy is dispersed and chaotic. This is what happens when your mind, emotions, and body are misaligned.

However, if all three horses are lined up?

You get immense power.

This is what true wisdom is like… it’s an inner alignment with your power centers.

In The Wisdom Qi Gong Workshop, You’ll Activate All Three Of Your Major Wisdom Centers In Three Phases

In the Wisdom Qi Gong Workshop, you’ll learn how to activate all three of your major wisdom centers in three phases:

Phase 1: Activate the Wisdom of Your Mind

In Phase 1, you’ll activate the wisdom of your mind. You’ll calm your nervous system to create focused clarity of thought. You’ll learn practices to repair function, increase memory, and expand mental capacity.

Phase 2: Activate the Wisdom of Your Heart

In Phase 2, you’ll activate the wisdom of your heart and emotions. You’ll learn to recognize and release emotional triggers… including how to get out of worry, anxiety, and stress.

Phase 3: Activate the Wisdom of Your Belly

In Phase 3, you’ll learn to activate the wisdom and energy in your belly and your body. You’ll activate your kinesthetic intelligence so you move with relaxed, flowing grace.

When You Attend the Wisdom Qi Gong Workshop, Here’s What You’ll Receive:

  • Lifetime access to the workshop replay (you can download or stream it from any device).
  • A solid introduction and overview of the movements, flows, stretches and activations in the Wisdom Qi Gong practice… use these to help awaken your mind, and bring Qi up through your spine to stimulate your brain to deepen your mind/body connection.
  • Master guidance from an experienced teacher to help you access the wisdom in your body, the wisdom in your mind, and the wisdom of your energy using Qi Gong.
  • Excellent and in-depth descriptions of each movement, form, and flow used to help you tap into your body and energy’s innate wisdom to elevate your mind and your body and release stress, tension, and stagnant Qi.
  • Excellent and in-depth descriptions of each movement, form, and flow used in each Phase of the Wisdom Qi Gong practice… to help you tap into your body and energy’s innate wisdom to elevate your mind and your body and release stress, tension, and stagnant Qi.

Program Details

Running Time: 2 hours 46 minutes 52 seconds

Workshop Date: March 29, 2020

The workshop videos are available in both streaming and downloadable from your Holden QiGong Media Library.
Tip: Consult your health care professional before using this wellness program.
The instruction presented herein is not intended to be a substitute for medical counseling.

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