Activate Natural Healing Energy

Whether you're looking to manage chronic pain, stimulate injury recover, or enhance overall well-being, Qi Gong provides a gentle yet powerful path towards using your own healing energy to improve your quality of life.

Qi Gong is a holistic approach to healing with integrating physical movement, breath awareness, and mindfulness that can be an invaluable asset in your personal health practices.
An energetic senior couple jumping in the air and holding hands at the beach. They are both wearing white pants. She is wearing a pink blouse. His shirt is white with horizontal stripes. The waves behind them are very small and the sky is blue with some cloudiness.
As Seen On...
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Your Body's Innate Healing Powers

The earth, universe, and our own bodies offer an abundance of energy we can use to “charge up” our internal life-force energy (Qi) to feel more alert, energized, and inspired in everyday life.

Qi Gong helps harness and cultivate Qi. The exercises remove blockages and balance the flow of healing energy throughout the body's energy channels known as Meridians. By doing so, Qi Gong enhances the body's ability to heal itself naturally. Qi can help us heal physically and emotionally.
UC Berkeley soccer field with a soccer game in progress and the stands full of cheering fans.

"Your Body Knows How to Heal Itself"

A woman practicing qi gong at dawn on a dock on the lake. Her back is to us. Her arms raised above her head. There is a single swan swimming by. The water is calm. There is a forested mountain in the background.
One of Lee's earliest Qi Gong healing success stories is his own. Lee was injured playing collegiate soccer and credits Qi Gong as a critical success factor in his recovery. Read the story

Lee's personal experience, and the thousands of years of evidence supporting Qi Gong's healing power, inspired him to dedicate his life to sharing Qi Gong with the world through Holden QiGong.

Today, Lee teaches and empowers a global audience of practitioners of all ages to take control of their health and wellness, without medications.

Pain Management, Injury Recovery, & Wellness

Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese practice, revolves around harnessing and cultivating Qi, the vital life force that flows through all living beings.

The flowing movements of
Qi Gong mimic the movements of nature to activate your body's innate healing power.

Qi Gong is known for its effectiveness in managing chronic pain conditions and stimulating improved healing. By promoting relaxation and reducing tension in muscles and joints, it can alleviate discomfort and improve mobility.
A group of four students practicing qi gong together in nature. This group of two men and two women have their arms extended to the sides with their eyes closed and heads facing forward. There are treetops in the near background with a mountain in the distance

The Connection between Qi Gong and Healing Energy

For thousands of years, the benefits of Qi Gong were relatively unknown to western cultures. Today, Lee and the Holden QiGong team share that wisdom and joy with as many people as we can through classes, workshops, free videos and written articles. Here are a few recent articles focusing on the connection between Qi Gong, Healing, and Lifelong Wellness.

Recommended Video Routines

Try these short routines from the Holden QiGong Youtube channel to begin harnessing your inner healing power today. Focus on areas of acute concern, or expand your horizon beyond recovery with a journey to improved physical and emotional health.  

Explore the Origins of Qi Gong

Qi Gong is rooted in traditional chinese medicine (TCM). Lee transforms this ancient wisdom into fun, safe and effective practice that delivers strength, flexibility, and improved emotional health.

Lee's personality in engaging and his classes quickly become the highlight of each day. Whether you practice for 7-minutes or hours, the benefits are yours to enjoy. If you tried the free exercises above, you already know you can activate your life-force energy anytime with a Qi Gong routine.
Dry puer tea with a cup of brewed tea on a black bamboo mat.
Lee teaching in the Holden QiGong studio. Lee is crouched with wide stance and his palms pressed together. He is shifting his weight from left to right.
Le Holden teaching a Live video class in the studio. lee is leaning to his right with both arms extended to the right.

Activate Your Life-Force Energy

Le Holden teaching a Live video class in the studio. lee is leaning to his right with both arms extended to the right.
Five of our most popular programs to get your Qi Gong practice going. Selections include Introduction to Qi Gong, Qi Gong for Longevity, and Qi Gong: the Seated Workout. Each program includes a short routine of about 20 minutes, and an extended 40-minute routine.
The Healing Series
A collection of 12 programs focused on specific health topics including relief from like Headaches, Back and Neck Pain, Joint Stiffness, and building Vitality. The Healing Series programs were filmed in Croatia, They offer amazing Qi Gong with breathtaking backdrops, at an amazing value.
Holden QiGong Workshops
Deepen your engagement with a Qi Gong Workshop. Workshops are available live, or on-demand and focus on a wide variety of topics from Strength and Flexibility, Pain Relief, Nervous and Immune System support, Heart Health, and Improved Breathing. Each workshop is 3.5 hours with a combination of lecture, meditation, and guided Qi Gong practice with Lee.

Guided Healing Meditations

This series of online courses will unlock your body's natural healing powers. By spending 15-60 minutes each day listening to Lee's guided meditations, you will open your energy channels and allow your natural healing powers to manifest. There are three courses included in the Guided Healing Meditations bundle, and they correspond to the three dantiens, or energy centers, at the core of Chinese medicine.

The Holden QiGong Student Journey

Lee is building his life-force energy by practicing Qi Gong in nature. Lee is standing in a creek bed in the woods. His arms are in front of him with his left arm over his right arm with his left hand pointing downward. His right arm and hand are forming a large circle.
The programs and workshops above provide an excellent introduction into the benefits of Qi gong for improving overall health and wellness.

We invite you to explore the Holden Qi Gong Student Pathway for a deeper exploration of cultivating your life-force energy through Qi Gong.
Discover Your Qi Gong Pathway