What is Qi Gong?

Qi Gong (Chee-gong) is an ancient Chinese moving meditation you can practice to boost energy, relieve stress, and balance your emotions. It focuses on holistic health or “whole being” health by addressing all of who you are: mind, body, and spirit.

“Qi” means energy and “Gong” means skill or cultivation. So, Qi Gong is “the skill of cultivating your life-force energy.” Through gentle movements, deep breathing, and meditation, Qi Gong helps you cultivate positive, life-force energy and promote healing from within.

While Qi Gong has ancient origins, its stress-reducing qualities make it perfect for the modern day practitioner. Qi Gong can help you stay grounded, centered, and as peaceful as a mountain lake. 

Bring harmony and balance into life by
stimulating your life-force energy.

The flowing movements, focused breathing, and mindfulness of Qi Gong awaken your body and mind. The basic movements aren't complicated. Qi Gong is commonly referred to as the art of effortless movement. Lee found his own path to Qi Gong when he was injured as collegiate soccer player. Since then, Lee has dedicated his life's work to sharing the incredible power of Qi Gong with students throughout the world.

Lee is building his life-force energy by practicing Qi Gong in nature. Lee is standing in a creek bed in the woods. His arms are in front of him with his left arm over his right arm with his left hand pointing downward. His right arm and hand are forming a large circle.
Lee and a group of 11 students practicing Qi Gong together in a redwood forest. They are standing on a trial in the forest and engaged in a movement named Knocking on the Door of Life.

Cultivating Your Life-Force Energy

Try Qi Gong for yourself. Join Lee for an energizing, 7-minute Qi Gong routine. Activate your life-force energy to begin your journey to improved health naturally. You don't need any special equipment. Just find an open space where you can swing your arms, and try Qi Gong right now.

A woman removing her glasses and massaging the bridge of her nose with her right hand to help relieve stress. Her glasses are held in her left hand. She has shoulder length blond hair and she is wearing a white, long-sleeve, button down blouse. A woman sitting on the couch massaging her wrist to alleviate her joint pain. She has a look of anguish on her face.

Before discovering Qi Gong, students felt:

Fatigued, stressed, and overwhelmed
Exhausted from taking care of others
Overcome by negative thought loops and overactive “monkey mind”
Constantly starting and stopping healthy habits
Stiff, sore, and in pain

Practicing Qi Gong helped them feel...

Calm, centered, and emotionally balanced
Deeply connected to nature
Full of youthful vitality
Free from stress and anxiety
Supple, flexible, and strong
Lee standing on a mountainside enjoying his qi gong routine. His arms are spread to each side with his feet shoulder width apart. There are majestic rock cliffs behind him. Qi Gong connects us with the forces of nature to promote improved health. The majestic redwoods in this image illustrate that connected energy.
Qi Gong promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, including taking a hike with your grandchildren like the couple in this image.A woman on the shore with her arms raised above her head and she exercises. She is happy, feeling healthy, and full of vitality.

Student Success Stories

You ALWAYS feel better after completing a class.

"I would tell someone who has never done Qi Gong before that...
Kim Crich
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It's a great combination of movement/stretching, exercise, and meditation all in one.

"I love the nature-themed movements and sense of peace, clarity...
Tanja Turnquist Sayles
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You feel good physically, mentally, and spiritually while you practice it and after

"What I loved the most about Qi Gong was the relaxed state I am...
Sergio Sendra Siscar
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The flow of movements releases tension in the body, stimulates internal energy flow, and brings my mind to the present

"I love how the flow of movements releases tension in the...
Sarah Rutt
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The Healing life force energies of Qi Gong continue to amaze

"I found Lee when I was 60 & weighed 305 lbs & had trouble even...
Larry Parsons
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The Healing life force energies of Qi Gong continue to amaze

"I found Lee when I was 60 & weighed 305 lbs & had trouble even...
Larry Parsons
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Gives back many gifts to your mind, body and spirit

"I love the nature-themed movements and sense of peace...
Tanja Turnquist Sayles
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Connects you to yourself, as well as to nature

"I love the way in which Qi Gong reminds me of how connected we are to nature...
Annabel Todd
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You feel good physically, mentally, and spiritually while you practice it and after

"What I loved the most about Qi Gong was the relaxed state I am...
Sergio Sendra Siscar
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A gentle practice that can be enjoyed by so many

"I love how the flow of movements releases tension in the...
Sarah Rutt
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60 is just a mile post as this incredible journey expands

"I found Lee when I was 60 & weighed 305 lbs & had trouble even...
Larry Parsons
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Such profound effects for a gentle exercise.

"What I love most about Qi Gong is how good I feel when I practice...
Lynn Dancause
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Such profound effects for a gentle exercise.

"What I love most about Qi Gong is how good I feel when I practice...
Lynn Dancause
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You feel good physically, mentally, and spiritually

"What I loved the most about Qi Gong was the relaxed state I am...
Sergio Sendra Siscar
Read More

Boost Energy & Clear Stress in 7 minutes per Day

The Holden Qi Gong 30-Day Challenge is great way to start practicing Qi Gong regularly. Receive 30 Qi Gong Routines over thirty days that you can practice anytime you want, as often as you like. Experience the improved health and well-being that millions of Qi Gong practitioners across the globe are raving about. Do you accept the challenge?

Qi Gong Master Lee Holden

Lee is an internationally known master Qi Gong instructor and an expert in making ancient wisdom applicable to modern life. He is also a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and successful author. He has been featured on American Public Television and on select PBS stations throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Through his DVDs, Public Broadcasting specials, classes, workshops, courses, and teacher certification program, Lee has helped tens of thousands of students discover Qi Gong, heal from injury and disease, slow their aging process, maximize their energy, and feel better than they ever have before.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Qi Gong Right for Me?

The short answer is yes.

The slightly longer answer is Qi Gong is great for anyone of any age. You also don’t need to be fit, in shape, or even able to stand. It’s an energizing practice for people from all walks of life.

If you’re looking to stay flexible, improve balance, or prevent injury, Qi Gong can help. We have students who are over 90 years old and feeling younger and more energized than ever!

So, yes, Qi Gong is most definitely right for you.

When Should I Practice Qi Gong?

Now is always a great time to practice. But if you don’t have time to practice right now, we recommend starting with once in the morning, and once at night.

Practice in the morning to enliven your body and energize yourself for the day ahead. And to wind down after a long day, practice Qi Gong in the evening to relax, center yourself, and promote deep restful sleep.

Where Can I Practice Qi Gong?

You can practice Qi Gong just about anywhere. We recommend practicing where it feels most comfortable for you, and where you won’t be disturbed during practice, like in your living room or your backyard (if you have one). 

We also recommend practicing outside as much as possible when the weather is favorable. When you practice outside, you can more easily draw in energy from nature.

Is Qi Gong Safe?

Yes, Qi Gong is safe. It’s gentle and uses slow fluid movements to enliven your energy, but calm you at the same time. 

It’s very important not to push yourself past your body’s limitations. A key lesson of Lee’s teaching is, “no pain, no pain.” This means you shouldn’t feel pain when you practice. If you do, you need to pause, re-evaluate your movements and postures.

Are there different Qi Gong styles?

 Embark on a journey of serene discovery with Holden Qi Gong. Are you seeking a holistic path to enhanced well-being, mental clarity, and physical vitality? Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese practice, could be your answer. This art form, blending rhythmic movements, controlled breathing, and focused intention, is more than exercise—it's a gateway to a balanced life.

Is Qi Gong Like Tai Chi?

 Embark on a journey of serene discovery with Holden Qi Gong. Are you seeking a holistic path to enhanced well-being, mental clarity, and physical vitality? Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese practice, could be your answer. This art form, blending rhythmic movements, controlled breathing, and focused intention, is more than exercise—it's a gateway to a balanced life.