Lower Blood Pressure naturally with Qi Gong

It's time to explore a natural and holistic approach that not only helps in lowering your blood pressure but also enhances your overall well-being.

Introducing Holden QiGong, a time-tested practice that harmonizes body, mind, and spirit to promote optimal health.
A healthy, happy couple walks together holding hands
As Seen On...
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The Solution for Sustained Healthy Blood Pressure

Through consistent practice, Qi Gong helps reduce stress and anxiety, two major contributors to high blood pressure. The gentle, yet effective movements improve blood flow and heart health while strengthening your body's natural defenses to better manage and prevent illness.

"Qi Gong awakens the natural healing power of the body" - Lee Holden

Lee in front of a waterfall that's cascading into a calm lake. Lee is wearing a black t-shirt with tan pants.
How does Qi Gong help?

Cultivates a peaceful and balanced emotional state with awareness and presence in daily life.

Lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Calms your mind and alleviates stress for improved cardiovascular health.

You feel more energetic and vibrant throughout the day with more restful sleep at night.

Start Practicing Right Now

Qi Gong involves slow and gentle movements, making it accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels.

While the basics are easy to grasp, mastering Qi Gong and experiencing its full benefits we recommend regular practice and dedication.

Learn more and enjoy a Free Holden QiGong Routine with Lee.
A group of four students practicing qi gong together in nature. This group of two men and two women have their arms extended to the sides with their eyes closed and heads facing forward. There are treetops in the near background with a mountain in the distance

The Connection between Longevity and Qi Gong

For thousands of years, the benefits of Qi Gong were relatively unknown to western cultures. Lee and team and Holden QiGong are bringing that wisdom to everyone. Here are a recent articles on the connection between Qi Gong, longevity, and aging gracefully.

Heart Healthy Routines on Youtube

Subscribe to the Holden QiGong channel on Youtube. You'll find a wonderful library of routines from years of creating and sharing routines in response to student requests. Here are some recommendations to get you started.

Explore the Origins of Qi Gong

Qi Gong is rooted in traditional chinese medicine (TCM). Lee transforms this ancient wisdom into fun, safe and effective practice that delivers strength, flexibility, and improved emotional health.

Lee's personality in engaging and his classes quickly become the highlight of each day. Whether you practice for 7-minutes or hours, the benefits are yours to enjoy. If you tried the free exercises  above, you already know you can activate your life-force energy anytime with a Qi Gong routine.
Dry puer tea with a cup of brewed tea on a black bamboo mat.
Le Holden teaching a Live video class in the studio. lee is leaning to his right with both arms extended to the right.

Activate Your Life-Force Energy

Le Holden teaching a Live video class in the studio. lee is leaning to his right with both arms extended to the right.
Five of our most popular programs to get your Qi Gong practice going. Selections include Introduction to Qi Gong, Qi Gong for Longevity, and Qi Gong: the Seated Workout. Each program includes a short routine of about 20 minutes, and an extended 40-minute routine.
The Healing Series
A collection of 12 programs focused on specific health topics like Heart Health, Strength and Flexibility, Anxiety Relief, and Joint Health. The Healing Series programs were filmed in Croatia, They offer amazing Qi Gong with breathtaking backdrops, at an amazing value.
Holden QiGong Workshops
Deepen your engagement with a Qi Gong Workshop. Workshops are available live, or on-demand and focus on a wide variety of topics from Acupressure, Better Balance, Immune System support, and Improved Breathing. Each workshop is 3.5 hours with a combination of lecture, meditation, and guided Qi Gong practice with Lee.

Acupressure and Self-Massage Online Course

The Acupressure and Self-Massage course activates youthful energy at any age. Acupressure is a 2,000-year-old method that signals the body to turn on its self-healing powers. It helps restore the flow of Qi through the meridians in your body, which helps return your body to its natural state of well-being. Dive deep into the body’s 12 meridians (energy channels) and the most important acupressure points on each channel.

The Holden QiGong Student Journey

Lee is building his life-force energy by practicing Qi Gong in nature. Lee is standing in a creek bed in the woods. His arms are in front of him with his left arm over his right arm with his left hand pointing downward. His right arm and hand are forming a large circle.
The programs and workshops above provide an excellent introduction into the benefits of Qi gong for improving overall health and wellness.

We invite you to explore the Holden Qi Gong Student Pathway for a deeper exploration of cultivating your life-force energy through Qi Gong.
Discover Your Qi Gong Pathway