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Qi Gong for Fatigue Workshop

The Qi Gong for Fatigue Workshop teaches specific movements such as Energy Circulation and Vitality Breathing to combat exhaustion and restore your natural energy. These gentle exercises promote deep relaxation while boosting vitality, making them perfect for anyone experiencing fatigue or low energy. This workshop is suitable for all levels and provides practical tools to help you recharge, reduce stress, and regain your balance, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed.

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Program Description

Get Your Qi Back

If you struggle with fatigue, you probably know it sneaks up on you out of nowhere. It drains joy and can even make you too tired to even go grocery store shopping.

But imagine what your life could look like once fatigue no longer hampers your life. You could…

  • Greet each morning with renewed focus and energy
  • Improve your stamina and energy little by little, day by day
  • Feel energized and excited to cultivate new relationships and tackle projects
  • And simply enjoy your life again

You can recover your Qi (life-force energy) no matter how long you’ve struggled with fatigue or exhaustion.
Get back to doing what you love… without feeling like you’ve just finished a 24-hour marathon with no rest.

Sounds incredible, right? But how do you get there?

Well, the answer might surprise you. It turns out that the solution to fatigue is more movement, not less. In the Qi Gong for Fatigue Workshop, you’ll get a roadmap you can follow every day to regain your energy. It includes Qi Gong practices, breathwork, acupressure, and meditation.

Program Details

Running Time: 2 hours, 59 minutes, 1 second

Workshop Date: 12/18/22

The workshop videos are available in both streaming and downloadable from your Holden QiGong Media Library.
Tip: Consult your health care professional before using this wellness program.
The instruction presented herein is not intended to be a substitute for medical counseling.

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